Mosley, 67, was filmed playing a SS death-camp commmandant barking orders in German and lashing uniformed girls in a five-hour video.
The married dad-of-two – son of infamous wartime fascist Sir Oswald Mosley – also posed as a concentration camp victim having his genitals inspected before being whipped until his buttocks bled.
OSWALD Mosley (right) was the closest thing the UK had to a rabble-rousing Hitler in the years leading up to World War II.
He rallied his blackshirt army of fascists against Jews and Communists. His famous march through London's East End—an area heavily populated by Jews—sparked the infamous Battle of Cable Street in 1936.
Hitler admired him so much he was guest of honour at his wedding to society beauty Diana Mitford, held at the Berlin home of evil Nazi chief Joseph Goebbels.
Max's aunt Unity Mitford was also a devoted Nazi. After Britain declared war on Germany in 1939, she sent a farewell letter to Hitler and shot herself in the head with the pearl-handled pistol the German leader had given her as a gift. She died of her injuries several years later.
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